Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Introduction and Disclaimer!

Two months in Spain. Whose brain would not rejoice at that thought! I and my husband of nearly four years, the estimable (es-tee-MAH-blay) Rev. Robert W. Brown, and I fly this Sunday through Paris to Madrid, thence take the Renfe train to the town of Irun where we begin to walk the ancient pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela.  Bob has a sabbatical (or, as my Jewish readership may prefer to think of it, a Shabbatical) of three months. I am following in the degenerate footsteps of semi-and-self-employed artists everywhere by seizing the opportunity to put pleasure before business, and thus I'm off to Spain with him.

As this is the beginning of my blog, I feel compelled to include a brief disclaimer about the value of its future contents.  Like  E.B. White's dog Daisy,  the  Scottish terrier who "suffered from a chronic perplexity", my point of view is questionable.
Still, I hope my readership will be as entertained by my efforts as I usually am myself. Like Daisy, I hope to die "sniffing life, and enjoying it."

Estimable Roberto will also be telling our tale, mostly in pictures, as he is accustomed to do so by his many years of storytelling through the camera lens.  (For those of you who don't know, Robert was a television and film director for 30 years prior to becoming a UCC minister in Concord, MA.) His blog address is bobencamino.com and there will be lots of pictures of me there.

                              :-)  Natalie/Natalia

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